Thyroid Problems - The Differences Between Men and Women

Men and women tend to have different symptoms of thyroid issues, and often, they do not even know that some of their symptoms are related to problems with their thyroid. For men, the main problems arise and manifest themselves in sexual dysfunction. They find that they have problems achieving and maintaining an erection, that they have low sperm counts and that they have low libido or sex drive. Eventually, their thyroid issues can lead to prostate cancer.

Men can also suffer a great deal of joint pain. There is a weakness in the muscles and an unusual fatigue that goes along with the weakness, however, women are five times more likely than men to have thyroid issues.

For women, thyroid disorders tend to manifest themselves in weight gain. We all tend to gain weight as we age and slow down; however a thyroid problem can add a lot of pounds into the mix. Women can also suffer with heavy menstrual flows. In addition, they may experience difficulties in conceiving or being able to carry a fetus to full term, resulting in miscarriages.

Once you are over the age of 35, you should have your thyroid tested by your doctor at least every five years. As we age, we tend to become much more susceptible to issues with the thyroid. The most common thyroid issue symptoms include irritability, fatigue and weight gain; however, these are common symptoms for many other issues, and so your doctor may not even consider a thyroid issue unless you specifically ask them to test for it.

The symptoms that come along with a hypothyroidism problem can easily be mistaken for a lot of other things, and so your doctor may resist your suspicions and tell you that you are not suffering with hypothyroidism. Many of us tend to take our doctor's word for whatever they think the diagnosis is; however, no one knows their own body better than you. If you think that you have hypothyroidism, it is up to you to insist on the proper testing and the correct diagnosis.

For women, especially, symptoms of hypothyroidism can blend together with menopause symptoms, and weight gain. The compounding of these symptoms can lead to many health issues, and it is difficult to sort the symptoms out from one another. Once you have had the appropriate tests, and the correct diagnosis, it is then time to seek a treatment that will work for you.

