Can You Tell if You Have Hashimoto's Disease
Hashimoto's Disease is very difficult to diagnose. It is a disorder in the immune system. It causes the body's immune system to attack the thyroid gland. In response to this assault, the thyroid stops making essential hormones that the body needs to function. This state of an under active thyroid is called hypothyroidism.
This ill effect on the thyroid gland is a direct result of Hashimoto's Disease which has no clear symptoms. However, there are several symptoms that are characteristic of hypothyroidism. The trouble with detecting this disorder of the immune system is that the same symptoms are similar to some of the ways the body tends to react to aging.
Hashimoto's Disease hits somewhere around mid life, this means that several of the signals your body sends to alert you to a problem may go unnoticed. Fatigue or sluggishness may be shrugged off as being a sign of being too busy. When the doctor reports an elevated cholesterol level, it is thought to be the result of a poor diet. The achy shoulders and hips are also dismissed and assumed this new tenderness or stiffness is a discomfort because of age. But these are all signs of hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's Disease.
The only symptom of Hashimoto's Disease is a thyroid which is not functioning properly. There is a certain amount of inflammation of the thyroid caused by this disease. To complicate an already serious situation the pituitary gland tries to stimulate the thyroid's hormone production. This attempt causes even more enlargement of the thyroid gland. In extreme cases the thyroid swells enough to be seen with the naked eye. It appears as a goiter just at the front of the base of the neck.
There are several other signs of hypothyroidism. Some may become constipated, be a lot more sensitive to temperatures that are cold, or have an unexplained sudden weight gain. Visible signs of thyroid trouble are a puffiness of the face, pale skin and muscle weakness. This weakness is in large muscles and usually only through the lower parts of the body. You may notice having a hoarse voice a lot of the time. Women may have more than usual bleeding during their periods.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's Disease can be treated. It is simple to treat. Hormone replacement treatments are effective in the relief of the symptoms. If you experience two or more of these symptoms consider a visit to the doctor and request a thyroid test to eliminate or confirm the possibility of hypothyroidism brought on by Hashimoto's Disease.