Natural Treatment For Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism, the condition more commonly known as an overactive thyroid, is caused when the thyroid gland releases an excess of a natural hormone in the form of T3 and T4 (thyroxine). These hormones are needed, in the correct quantities, for the body to function correctly and any movement either side of the optimum amount can result in the body not behaving as it should. Symptoms such as heart palpitations, increased heartbeat, fatigue, hair loss (or brittle hair), overheating, sweating, weight loss or weight gain, over sleeping and even insomnia and temporary amnesia are all associated with Hyperthyroidism.

As you can see from the symptoms above, they are very similar to other conditions like Hypothyroidism, menopause and even natural aging. Some people will show classic signs of having an overactive thyroid (and an under active thyroid for that matter) yet their bloods will come back normal leading to many cases of Hyperthyroidism being left untreated. When this happens, the sufferer will be at an increased risk of high blood pressure, type two diabetes (ultimately resulting in type one if not treated), arthritis, emphysema, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine, and depression and will have no where else to turn within the system.

This is where natural treatments for Hyperthyroidism comes in. Your thyroid gland processes the food you eat taking from each food some essential ingredients of the thyroids hormone, thyroxine. One such ingredient is Iodine. So for sufferers having an Iodine deficiency one simple step is to alter their diet to include more iodine rich foods. A diet that includes iodized salt, vegetables (organic), sea food and shell fish can reverse the iodine deficiency on many occasions.

While we are on the natural treatments theme let's take a look at the foods which can slow the thyroid down, which should help with an overactive thyroid problem. You know how your Mom always told you to eat your greens, well, there is definitely something in it. The vegetables cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, spinach, beans, kale and cauliflower are all to be present in a diet designed to alleviate the suffering associated with Hyperthyroidism. They should however be given a wide berth for sufferers of an under active thyroid (Hypothyroidism). Further relief can be obtained from avoiding wheat, caffeine, sugar and that old chestnut alcohol.

Sufferers can also help simply by taking further thyroid supplements. Flax seed oil taken three times a day at the recommended dose will assist in the production of thyroid hormone and with is being a natural anti inflammatory it can also help with a swollen thyroid (goiter). If the symptoms include metabolic functions then taking supplementary amounts of Calcium and Magnesium is also beneficial. One point to remember is that if the body does not have sufficient of either then it can use neither as they both need to be present in the body for them to be of any benefit. So always take the two together at the recommended doses otherwise your bodies reserves of Magnesium will be used up processing the supplementary Calcium intake, causing further problems. The recommended ratio is three parts Calcium to one part Magnesium, so of Calcium would require a dose of Magnesium supplement for it to be processed in the proper manner.

The University of Maryland Medical Center also says a daily intake of 250 to 500 mg of decaff green tea and a 300 to 500 mg dose of lemon balm can be beneficial in the treatment of an overactive thyroid.

There are many other supplements available for natural treatment of Hyperthyroidism, many of which you can find online, but please remember, whichever hyperthyroidism natural remedies you choose always get the best medical advice before you start any course of treatment.


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