Hypothyroidism in Children

Children have plenty of challenges in development and growth and sometimes they can suffer from hypothyroidism, although the diagnosis can be completely missed by their pediatrician or family doctor.

So what are the symptoms? In very young children, this condition can cause severe developmental problems, and inhibit growth. The more severe symptoms are the inability to concentrate, constipation, slowed heart rate, chronic tiredness and difficulties in learning and concentrating. In newborns, the symptoms can be a hoarse cry, jaundice, an umbilical hernia, constipation and poor appetite. Unfortunately, not all newborns are tested for the disorder, which could solve many a problem right away.

Therein lies the problem. Most doctors would see those symptoms and mistake them with some type of mental or learning disability. While many children are born with this condition, it generally resolves itself in fairly short order. A mother can affect her unborn child's health if she herself suffers from hypothyroidism.

Routine blood screening of newborns for levels of T4 hormone and TSH hormone could easily diagnose and identify hypothyroidism. The main thing is to seek the testing and then follow through with the treatment. If left untreated, hypothyroidism in a child can interfere with growth and with normal development.

Of course, there are certain symptoms that are not cause for alarm, but if you have your reasons for believing that your child may be suffering the effects of hypothyroidism, you should seek diagnosis. Too many parents are complacent in a doctor's diagnosis when they advise that there is no issue with their child, when they should be seeking a second or even a third opinion.

The sooner that you get help for your child, the better. There really is nothing worse than feeling tired all of the time, being constipated, and performing slowly at school, with an inability to concentrate. It is up to us to be aware of what our children are going through and keeping an open dialogue so that they will report symptoms to us. When you are sure that you have a full list of what they symptoms are, be sure to get a diagnosis and then move on to treatment. If you do not deal with the issues now, they will only worsen and impede your child's development potential.

The diagnosis of hypothyroidism is not a lifelong sentence, the condition can often be corrected with diet and proper supplements. It is simply a matter of gaining an understanding of what it is that you are dealing with and the fact that it must be treated.

(Source: http://underactivethyroidsymptomsinwomenblog.com/hypothyroidism-in-children)
