Hyperthyroidism Treatment

Hyperthyroidism is caused due to excessive release of the thyroid hormones. As a result of the release of hormones, various problems like increased rate of metabolism, bulging eyes etc. are visible. After the diagnosis for the hyperthyroidism is done it is advisable that the patient undergoes hyperthyroidism treatment.

It has been observed that hyperthyroidism occurs more in women than men. So, the course of treatment differs. The various types of drugs and other substances used for hyperthyroidism treatment are as follows:

Temporary Medical Therapy

In this type of treatment, various types of drugs are used which provide temporary relief and reduce the amount of the thyroid hormones released.
  • Thyrostatics - These drugs inhibit the thyroid hormone production in an excessive amount. The include drugs like carbimazole, Methimazole and Propylthiouracil. They work by stopping the iodination of the various enzymes which further leads to inhibiting the production the T4 hormone and also prevent its conversion to T3. They become effective over a period of a few weeks and dosage is often titrated to a month or so. Although, it is advised to take a higher dose during the early stages but, continuous higher dose can cause hypothyroidism.
  • Beta-blockers - They also play an important role in hyperthyroidism treatment and help a great deal in reducing the symptoms like palpitations, etc. These drugs do not affect the levels of the hormones in the body but make the visible symptoms manageable to some extent. For example: Propanolol and Metoprolol.

Permanent Medical Hyperthyroidism Treatment

This type of the hyperthyroidism treatment includes the methods which permanently cure hyperthyroidism. In case the thyroid gland becomes enlarged, it needs to be operated upon.
  • Surgery - In some severe cases, the thyroid gland starts swelling and after enlargement it tends to compress the vocal cords. This enlargement may be cancerous in nature so the best alternative to get rid off it is to get the surgery done. The procedure for this is safe and may involve either removal of the whole gland or a part of it which ever is required. The surgery can also be performed in patients who find the intake of iodine difficult.
  • Radio iodine therapy - This is an important part of the hyperthyroidism treatment and is one of the permanent procedures. The radioactive form of the iodine which is iodine-131 is given orally once in order to cause the destruction of the functions of the hyperactive thyroid gland. In case the patient does not show any response towards a single dose, then the dosage is increased. The iodine given for the hyperthyroidism treatment is different from the iodine which is used for the purpose of scanning. It works such that, the active cells tend to pick up the radioactive iodine and destroy them. In this case, the effect is not wide spread and targets only the specified area.


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