Thyroid Gland - How important is it to our body?

Thyroid Gland and Our Body

Thyroid gland plays an important role in our body. It is one of the major glands of the endocrine system, which is one of the major regulatory systems in our body. Thyroid gland is one of the important glands that is responsible for secretions of hormones. It produces thyroid hormones which are responsible for maintaining normal body metabolism. This gland is also crucial in maintaining normal heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tone, reproductive and digestive functions, as well as normal development of the nervous system.

The hormones produced from our thyroid gland as well as other glands are like chemical messengers which transfer data from a group of cells to another in order to coordinate the roles of different bodily parts. The thyroid gland is viewed to be one of the most crucial parts among the systems because it primarily regulates functions of the body like blood pressure and heart rate. Abnormality in this part of the endocrine system may lead to detrimental effects.

Let's look deeper into thyroid gland and its relation to the endocrine System:

The thyroid gland is situated on the front part of the neck. This thyroid gland is made up of follicular and parafollicular cells which produces various hormones needed by the body to maintain normal function.

Thyroid Gland and its Functions

T3 and T4

T4 (Thyroxine), is responsible for the normal regulation of oxygen consumption of the cells in the body. T4 is needed to maintain normal metabolic rate in the body.

T3 (Triiodothyronine), offers the same role as T4. Both T3 and T4 are needed by the body so that our body will consume protein by the cells at a normal rate.


The parafollicular cells in the body produces calcitonin. Calcitonin is responsible for the regulation of calcium minerals found in the body. It stimulates the transfer of calcium into the bones.

Importance of Iodine in the Thyroid Gland

Iodine is needed to produce T4, thyroxine, which is responsible for normal metabolism in the body. The lack of iodine or its absence will lead to deficiency in the secretion of some Thyroid hormones. This can affect growth in children and can also play a role in mental retardation. The deficiency of the Iodine for adults may mean lesser metabolism in the body.

Thyroid Diseases

Disorder of our thyroid gland may result in producing less or excessive amount of hormones needed for our body leading to various diseases. It is called hypothyroidism when our thyroid gland produces less hormones than needed and it is called hyperthyroidism when it produces more hormones than needed. Disorders of the thyroid gland is increasing in our population these days.

There are various ways to test for thyroid disorders and various symptoms accompanying to hypo and hyperthyroidism. It is essential to consult with your health care professional as soon as possible when in doubt.


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