Thyroid Diet: Staying Healthy On Hypothyroid Diet

What is hypothyroid diet?

Weight gain is one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism. If your thyroid doesn't produce enough hormone, the whole body slows down and losing weight become a struggle. The problem is aggravated by previous attempts to lose weight that reduced your slow metabolism even further. It's a vicious circle of dieting, putting on weight again and starvation to stop any further weight gain. It is impossible to lose weight without bringing your thyroid back on line. The good thing is that if you mange to stick to thyroid diet you can lose weight easily.

Lose Weight With Thyroid Diet

Any diet, even when you are healthy, will produce fall in metabolism. Your system goes into starvation mood and tries to protect the body by reducing thyroid output, so the fewer calories are being burned. That's why the longer you diet, the more difficult is to lose weight.

You can combine a hypothyroid diet with exercise but if your energy is low, any form of physical effort can be debilitating. This is especially true for hypothyroid patients. Low calorie diet is not the best option if your thyroid is low. Additionally, plenty of people are unable to process their food properly: processed carbohydrates are to blame for this. They are quickly digested and converted to glucose in a bloodstream. Insulin is being released to lower the sugar level, and glucose is converted to glycogen to be stored for the future use. When stores are full, the glucose is converted to fat. Refined carbohydrates such as: bread, cakes, pasta, soda, juices and sugar are being converted into body fat very easily. In fact you can lose weight just by limiting carbohydrates and without any calorie restriction. As opposite to refined carbohydrates, fats and proteins don't cause weight gain if eaten in moderation.

Hypothyroid diet tips:
  • stop counting calories and don't starve yourself
  • Any calorie restriction significantly lower your metabolism. With the thyroid running low already, any reduction in calorie intake will cause further decline in thyroid function and eventually a weight gain.
  • eat at least five or six small meals a day
  • Meal timing and frequency is crucial to weight loss. Those who eat small, regular and frequent meals throughout a day are more likely to lose weight than those who eat fewer, bigger and less frequent meals. Eating breakfast and avoiding eating late can also help with body fat reduction.
  • limit your carbohydrates intake
  • Eat only complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables. Eliminate junk food, floury products and sugar from your diet. eat proteins with every meal
  • Proteins like nuts, beans, seeds, whole grains, omega 3 eggs, poultry and fish burn slower than any other foods, keeping your hunger at bay for longer. Eating high quality proteins can help you to reduce fat from problem areas like hips and belly. implement healthy diet
  • Organic diet without chemicals and food intolerances is the best option. All stimulants like tea, coffee and alcohol are best avoided.
  • Foods to avoid on hypothyroid diet: walnuts, soy beans, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, turnips, cassava,pine nuts, millet, mustard, tea, coffee, alcohol, peaches, strawberries, peanuts, tofu and processed carbohydrates
Foods recommended on hypothyroid diet: cinnamon, blueberries, avocado, flax seeds, cayenne, hemp seeds, grapefruit and dairy products.

